Articles & Blogs

Stuck in London

28 April 2010
Vineet Nayar

How funny it is! Taking charge of your life. Bullshit! This is what I thought when I got caught in London thanks to the ash cloud over Europe for 7 days. I thought about taking charge of life. I failed miserably and this blog is about how and what not to do. I would start spending my first half of the day trying very hard to get out. The second part of the day I would work as much as I could and the third part of the day I would feel extremely frustrated about where I had landed myself, because I missed my flight by just 4 hours by the time the airports closed. And then the last part I will live in hope that the airports will clear up. So the conclusion of that experiment was that whatever I was preaching to all of you, I was actually not practicing. Till some friends on my tweets starting responding about other things I could do and experience and enjoy and it suddenly hit me that why am I not in charge of my life and is in charge of my life only about opening airports and flying? Or could I take charge of my life by experiencing something, doing something I have never done before? And that changed a lot of my thinking. So I went for a game between Chelsea and somebody else. Actually I watched two matches. I had never been to a London football stadium and the experience was new and awesome. Actually my son was very jealous with that experience. I went and saw the new play "The Power of Yes" which was awe-inspiring in terms of how the financial revolution crossed multiple people and how it was caused. I went and did shopping in places where I had never gone before for stuff which I can't even talk about on the camera because it's too personal. But the experiences which I created and the final was driving through the lanes from London to Frankfurt, driving through Euro tunnel and creating an experience all in the middle of night, an experience I would have never ever imagined I could venture into, had it not been because the airports were shut.

So, in conclusion, there are lots and lots of experiences which I gained because my tweet friends told me to take charge of my life and focus on experiencing the shutdown rather than trying to change it, and that was an interesting experience for me. Hope that helps you think differently.
