Articles & Blogs

Think Positive!

16 March 2010
Vineet Nayar

These days I have been thinking and writing about taking charge of your life, because I think it is one of the most important aspects of bringing about a change in the world. We are challenged all over. How do we bring about a change? By lots and lots of people taking charge of their life.

This time I want to talk about a personal experience. The topic is basically attracting the wrong charges. When I had graduated from college and was just starting a job - the rat race I talked about in a job - what I discovered was that most of the evaluation done in the organization was relative, comparative, and competitive, which is what happens in most organizations, including the one in which I worked, where we try and compare people and then reward a few and the so called bell curve. At that juncture I was not feeling good about the comparison because I was not as usual standing in front of the so called magic quadrant as usual but actually at the back of the magic quadrant, amongst the last ten percent of the organization.

I was facing the mirror and feeling pretty bad about it. The moment I started feeling bad about it I started attracting a lot of negative charges. That’s because the moment I became negative I started attracting a lot of negative charges and actually swung into a spiral. In my experience, the moment you allow your mind to drift negatively and start talking about negative thoughts and attracting negative thoughts - you attract negative people, you attract negative thoughts and negative things happen to you.

One fine day when I was looking at the mirror, I looked at myself and said that I don’t like the picture of this negative person who has blamed anything and everything on everybody else. I started struggling with the question of “How do I get my neutrality back and then convert the neutrality into what I call positive thoughts?” What I believed, and I do believe today, is that people who think positively, spend time with positive people, send positive thoughts into the environment and positive things happen to them. That’s a big belief I have - because they attract positive energy and positive charge. So at that particular time I questioned the whole concept of relativity: How do you break yourself out of this stupor and make yourself positive? God has given birth to so many people in this world and none of them look alike, none of them behave alike, none of them feel alike and every single individual among these billions and billions of people is different,. So the world was not meant to be evaluated on a relative scale, it was meant to be enjoyed in all its glorious beauty, in its individual beautiful way. Every rose is different, every animal is different and every man and woman is different. Therefore, the concept of relative evaluation and making people feel good or bad on relative evaluation is something which organizations have discovered so that they can manage their jobs of running organizations. I don’t have a problem with that, but I have a problem with us as individuals feeling good or bad on something which was not meant to be and is limited to running organisations.

So when you face a situation in my experience where you are on the lower end of the quartile and feeling bad about it, my suggestion is: Don’t spin out of control, don’t attract the negative energy. Think positive, think that the relative scales are discovered by people who are a small sample in the entire world, and the beautiful view is absolute. You have to discover the positivity of an absolute person and attract positive thoughts and be in an environment which is very positive. And then you can take charge of your life and feel happy about the great person you are.

Think Positive