Articles & Blogs

Satyam verdict is a timely doorbell for startup entrepreneurs

11 April 2015 | Source: Economic Times
Economic Types

There is only one way of doing business. Honestly. Actually there is only one way of doing anything. Honestly. This principle was ignored by a few in a hurry to the top because the cost of getting caught was far lower than the benefits of getting away with it.Thus few gave into the temptation of taking the short cut surrounded with obliging group of advisors, consultants and employees who drew the line of ethics as per ‘convenience’. This created a false sense of security that was bound to be snatched away one day, be it Enron in US or Satyam in India.

The costs and chances of getting caught have also significantly increased now. Employees demand more transparency and higher ethical standards from their leaders. They will not watch a hand in the cookie jar and keep quite.

Consumers are smart –– they can cut through the marketing slogans and postures and see you for what you do and not what you say. The Satyam verdict is also a timely doorbell for many startup entrepreneurs.

There is only one way of doing business. Honestly. Actually there is only one way of doing anything. Honestly. This principle was ignored by a few in a hurry to the top because the cost of getting caught was far lower than the benefits of getting away with it.

Thus few gave into the temptation of taking the short cut surrounded with obliging group of advisors, consultants and employees who drew the line of ethics as per ‘convenience’. This created a false sense of security that was bound to be snatched away one day, be it Enron in US or Satyam in India.

The costs and chances of getting caught have also significantly increased now. Employees demand more transparency and higher ethical standards from their leaders. They will not watch a hand in the cookie jar and keep quite. яндекс

Consumers are smart –– they can cut through the marketing slogans and postures and see you for what you do and not what you say. The Satyam verdict is also a timely doorbell for many startup entrepreneurs.

By - Vineet Nayar