
Sampark Foundation initiates “Inspiring India Series” with Gary Hamel and Vineet Nayar

11 February 2015 | Source: Financial Express
Vineet Nayar

“Inspiring India Series” with Gary Hamel and Vineet Nayar

Organises the first seminar titled “US$10 Trillion: Inspiring India Inc. to Take the Lead”...

After China posted its lowest GDP growth rate in almost 25 years, the IMF released an update to its World Economic Outlook predicting that by 2016 the Indian economy will be outpacing China’s growth rate. In such a backdrop, Sampark Foundation believes that our Political, Social and Private sector leaders need to develop a vision for India’s future that goes beyond short-term economic goals and encompasses the challenge of building companies that will own the future, because they are fully fit for the future.

To mark 10 years of Sampark Foundation, the Founders has decided to invest in establishing a Sampark Policy and Advocacy Cell (SPAC) to infuse disruptive global thinking in collaboration with the world’s best thinkers and idea shapers.

Under this initiative Sampark Foundation is launching the Inspiring India Series, a dialogue forum focussed on enabling India’s aspiration of becoming a US$10 Trillion economy over the next decade by inspiring Indian Political, Social and Corporate leaders to think big on three important questions:
1. Organisations: What will it take for the India Inc to lead the way to a $10 trillion Indian economy?
2. Entrepreneurship: How can India Inc inspire and mentor entrepreneurs to unleash their energy and passion in chasing big ideas, big dreams and build the next generation of Facebook, Twitter or Uber in India?
3. Education: Can we transform the delivery of Education to over 100 million children in our Government schools so that they acquire the next generation skills and become India’s competitive advantage?

In order to address the first of these priorities, the Foundation is bringing together, renowned management guru, Gary Hamel and one of India Inc’s most successful CEOs, and new age management thinker Vineet Nayar, for a Seminar on “Inspiring India Inc”. This dialogue will focus on encouraging the top business practitioners of the country to think about three critical questions to drive accelerated growth:
1. Strategy: Are we capable of continuously inventing new industries and reinventing old ones—by leveraging the game-changing potential of digital technologies?
2. Organization: Can we change as fast as the world around us—by excising bureaucracy and building an “evolutionary advantage?”
3. Leadership: Do we have inspirational leaders in every part of the organization who are genuinely worth following?

The ‘Inspiring India Inc.’ Seminar Series will be held in on 9th February 2015 in New Delhi and 16th February in Mumbai.

”The economic progress of any nation is closely entwined with the aspirations and capabilities of its corporate sector. That’s why the success of India is inseparable from the success of India Inc. To help build a $10 trillion economy, India’s businesses must become the most progressive in the world, fully prepared for the unprecedented challenges of the 21st century and heavily invested in building tomorrow’s best practices today”, said Vineet Nayar, Former CEO HCL Technologies & Founder, Sampark Foundation.
Gary Hamel, Visiting Professor at London Business School and co-founder of the Management Lab said, “The world is excited about India; it is time for India Inc. to be excited about India. If it is to meet its aspirations, India Inc. must dream bigger and bolder. Fresh creativity and inspiration is required to create a new breed of US$ 100 Bn companies, and to do this India Inc must move to the forefront of “creative destruction.” It must tear down pyramidal power structures and embrace new network-centric organizational models. At the same time, business leaders need to help millions of young people not only to find work, but to find meaning in their work; it must take their dreams and amplify them.”
With the ‘Inspiring India’ Seminar Series, Gary and Vineet intend to energize India Inc. to think about leap-frogging global companies who are trapped in old organization architectures that are obsolete. Both believe that India Inc. can create a competitive advantage for itself if it reinvents management and inspires a generation of young Indians to think about leadership in a more human way.

Vineet and Gary have collaborated on many Global Platforms before such as the ‘HCL Global Unstructure conference’ in Florida, ‘Moonshots for Management’ in San Francisco and ‘MIX’ in San Frisco and New York because of their common passion to transform the way leaders think about management. Vineet was also amongst the first to support Hamel’s pioneering effort to reinvent management by harnessing the power of open innovation through Management Innovation Exchange (MIX), an online community where the world’s most progressive business leaders share their ideas on how to build organizations that are human focused and future fit.

Gary along with CK Prahlad was also the inspiration behind Vineet’s book ‘Employees First Customers Second’ which also finds its way as a dedicated chapter in Gary’s book ‘What matters now’. They last got together in November 2014 on the MIX platform in New York to talk about “Inverting the pyramid one experiment at a time” (Photo Enclosed).

The Delhi event will be video streamed to up to 10,000 aspiring entrepreneurs on www.vineetnayar.com and www.samparkfoundation.org starting 7:30pm on 17th February 2015