Articles & Blogs
10 November 2010

I left India for the US the next day as President Obama landed in India. So I had the unique privilege of seeing his visit from both sides of the borders and the proverbial lens!

Vineet Nayar
04 November 2010

Leading companies across the world are capitalizing on the talents of women in the workforce.

The statement above seems reasonably accurate, right? Sadly enough, this is not true.

Vineet Nayar
28 October 2010

As the "Fasten Seatbelts" sign goes off in the global economy and CEOs step out of their crisis-control command centers, they must now decide: Should we go back to leading from atop the organizational pyramid — or should we stay in the eye of the storm?

Vineet Nayar
26 October 2010

I have noticed all through my professional life that there is just one common denominator for success across all organisations, and that is motivated employees.

If an organisation does not have motivated employees, no amount of investment in other resources can overcome this gap. On the other hand, if it has motivated employees, all other challenges seem surmountable.

Vineet Nayar
19 October 2010

Among the many interesting Young Global Leaders who came together at Tianjin was Erik Charas from Mozambique, a feisty young man who drives one of Mozambique’s most popular newspapers.

Vineet Nayar