Articles & Blogs
09 June 2010

This blog is about my journey of self discovery of a few blind spots I had, and people who helped me in this. The beautiful stories of Vani, Roopa and Rahul.

The questions I asked myself about these three employees was: Is 100 per cent of the employee working for us or is it only 20 per cent as is true in most companies.

Vineet Nayar
31 May 2010

Now that you have taken a decision that you need to think about this a little more, put your toe in the water and see how warm it is. Let me talk about possible ways you could think about implementing some of the organizational changes which I am talking about to move from a pyramid based organisation to more collaborative enterprise, which I call a Star.

Vineet Nayar
13 May 2010

Now that we have reflected that the leadership model of today needs an alternate thinking, what possibly could be this alternate thinking?

I would say that the command and control structure - the pyramid structure with one at the top, some in the middle and many at the bottom - is a good structure from a control point of view, from a compliance or governance point of view.

Vineet Nayar
11 May 2010

A lot of people stop me and ask: Vineet, has the leadership model of today become obsolete? My answer is a big Yes.

Vineet Nayar
28 April 2010

How funny it is! Taking charge of your life. Bullshit! This is what I thought when I got caught in London thanks to the ash cloud over Europe for 7 days. I thought about taking charge of life. I failed miserably and this blog is about how and what not to do. I would start spending my first half of the day trying very hard to get out.

Vineet Nayar