Articles & Blogs
16 March 2010

These days I have been thinking and writing about taking charge of your life, because I think it is one of the most important aspects of bringing about a change in the world. We are challenged all over. How do we bring about a change? By lots and lots of people taking charge of their life.

Vineet Nayar
09 March 2010

In my last blog post I talked about the need for taking charge of your life. How do you do it? One idea is what I call a conversation with you.

Vineet Nayar
01 March 2010

In India there is a custom, when a new boy or girl is born, the elder of the family - mostly the grandmother of the family - comes and picks up the child, looks at the child, and then defines a vision for the child.

Vineet Nayar
05 January 2010

The momentum carries you down hill but you need skill and stamina to climb uphill. For students of management and aspiring leaders, there has never been a better opportunity to learn the forgotten art of not only navigating the teams in a momentum business but also in a business that needs climbing to the top again.

Financial Express
03 November 2009

It has been the proverbial stimulant of great leaders. And every aspiring one almost always misses. Good times are what people identify leaders with. And tough times are what turn them into leaders.

Vineet Nayar